A Witch, Sorceress, Mystic, and Goddess Walk into a Bar

Don’t mess with magic

Bill Adler
12 min readDec 3, 2020
Photo by Bill Adler

The Man

He woke with no memory. His name, age, birthplace, and profession, eluded him. He felt as if somebody had hollowed out part of his mind.

Pitch darkness encircled him. A faint hum came from above.

He pushed himself off the floor, took two steps, and bumped into a wall. With his palms, he traced the wall’s contour to the right until it came to an end after three feet. A second wall ran perpendicular to the first. From that extended a third perpendicular wall.

A box of some sort. The air had warmed noticeably since he first regained consciousness.

He continued along the perimeter, using hands as a substitute for eyes. The first two walls were smooth, without protrusions, indentations, or bumps of any kind. The third wall was divided in half by a vertical slit, and the fourth had two columns of round plastic buttons, which he pressed, but which did nothing.

I’m trapped in an elevator. While he still didn’t know who or where he was, the fact that he was in a motionless elevator comforted him. Somebody always rescues people in elevators. That much he knew.

Then the scratching came, like a bear or tiger was on the elevator’s ceiling…



Bill Adler

An American writer in Japan, editor of The Binge-Watching Cure books, author of the bestselling book, Outwitting Squirrels. Occasional pilot, 24/7 cat owner.